Ukraine Wall

Panel debate: Ukraine between legacy and new beginning

Russia has been waging a war in Ukraine since 24 February 2022. In the last 2 months, the news about this war has been inundated, not only in the classical media, but also in the social networks. How can one classify these reports? Which narratives tell the truth, or at least what is closest to the truth? And what might the further course of this crisis look like?

Alle Podcasts

The panel discussion in this episode was conducted in English.

The two political scientists Dr. Leandra Bias and Dr. Alexander Bollfrass analysed the situation in Ukraine in a discussion on 19 April 2022. The event was recorded in English via Zoom and Sarah Scheidmantel led the discussion. You can listen to the uncut version of this discussion here.

Panel: Dr. Leandra Bias (Website), Dr. Alexander Bollfrass (Linkedin)
Moderation: Sarah Scheidmantel (Twitter, Instagram)
Technics: Benedikt Schmidt
Podcast: Dominik Scherrer


Dominik Scherrer


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Nach seinem Studium und Promotion in Chemie, ist Dominik aktuell als Patentanwaltskandidat tätig. Bei Reatch leitet er die Podcast-Redaktion.

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