Quo vadis Ukraina. Ukraine between legacy and new beginning?
Since 24 February 2022, the world community has been breathless: war broke out in the middle of Europe with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Thousands of people are fleeing, others are staying to fight. And at the same time we have to ask ourselves: what different developments led to this war?
Zoom (link will follow a few days after registration)
Free, max. 30 participants

Free, max. 30 participants
To get to the bottom of this, we have invited two political scientists: Dr. Leandra Bias from Swisspeace and Dr. Alexander Bollfrass from the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. While Leandra Bias is an expert on authoritarianism and researches gender-specific peacebuilding, Alexander Bollfrass focuses on security and nuclear weapons policy as well as arms control.
Using these different foci, we would like to take a broader look at the war in Ukraine together: How was the war historically and politically fuelled? Which actors played (or played) a role at different levels? At the same time, we will venture an outlook and try to interpret the war and develop our role as civil society.
The event will be moderated by Sarah Scheidmantel. For technical or administrative questions, contact Benedikt Schmidt.
Image source: https://www.aljazeera.com (retrieved 01.04.2022).
Language: English
Costs: none
Registration: until 15.04.2022 via the form below.
Participants are not expected to have any special prior knowledge. If you still want to get in the mood, you can find reading tips here: