Reatching into the Rabbit Hole: I think, therefore I am? A concept challenged by AI
A discussion on the future of human relationships in a world of rapidly advancing technology, robots, and artificial intelligence will take place. The impact of technology on emotions, behaviors, and mental health will be considered along with the options of accepting, rejecting, or regulating these advancements. The experts, with backgrounds in clinical psychology and artificial intelligence, will consider potential future scenarios of human life in 2050.
DSI, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich
max. 25 participants

max. 25 participants
I think, therefore I am? A concept challenged by AI.
Finding a new identity as social, feeling and interconnected beings in a fast-changing world. It is undisputed that technology will exponentially advance such that robots, artificial intelligence and immersive online worlds will most likely become the norm in most areas of life. As society is adopting these new technologies, some remain skeptical whether or not these advancements are providing a net benefit. Already, humans are altering the way they relate to each other and their communities: dating, making friends, family life, retirement, psychotherapy, and even democracy are radically different today than 30 years ago. How might we navigate this new landscape of relationships? Should we accept this new tech, or reject it? Should we regulate, or perhaps, have we made a terrible mistake in letting it go this far already?
With two experts in the field of AI and clinical psychology we will discuss potential future scenarios of our life in 2050, thinking about how we will live with these technologies.
Our first expert is Dr. Christina Haag, a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral researcher at the Digital & Mobile Health Group, University of Zurich. Christina's research leverages novel digital data sources from individuals' daily lives to study their mental and physical health. To this end, she implements a variety of methodologies, including but not limited to natural language processing methods such as topic modeling or pre-trained language models for text classification. The results of her research contribute to the promotion of mental health, especially in the context of chronic disease such as multiple sclerosis.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Steinwendner is our second expert and specializes in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and digitization in the health and geosector. He is a researcher and lecturer at the Laboratory of Web Science, a research institute of the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS). Furthermore he teaches at the ETH in Zurich.
When: 15.02.2023, 18:00-20:00
Where: DSI, Rämistrasse 69, Unfortunately places are limited to 25 people, therefore please register with your name and contact information via the following QR-code.
If you are unable to participate after signing up, please cancel your registration by sending an email to Pascal Kägi
We are looking forward to meeting you at the event!

Reaching into the Rabbit Hole (RRH) is a journey into a possible future scenario. Like Alice following the white rabbit into Wonderland, we follow a person who is familiar with a scientific thesis or technology and consider what this means for society in the future, making abstract topics tangible and allowing for discussions.