Life Sciences Innovation Day 2018
The Life Sciences Innovation Day brings together leaders from academia and industry to discuss current challenges and develop new concepts for an ecosystem fostering open science and innovation. In this ecosystem of public-private partnerships, members from academia, industry and society connect, share perspectives, and directly collaborate on high-impact research and development of projects with defined outcomes tangible in the public sphere.
14.09.2018 - 15.09.2018

Education, research and innovation are central cornerstones of our society. Especially in Switzerland, the life and health sciences contribute significantly to economic performance. The new developments in medicine towards personalized diagnostics and therapy offer extraordinary opportunities combined with new challenges. In order for Switzerland to remain a leader in this fast-moving area, we must promote cooperation across the borders of disciplines and institutions. That's why the «Open Innovation in Life Sciences 2018» conference brings together researchers and physicians, private companies and state actors, ensuring an open exchange on an equal footing.
In alternating keynote lectures and expert panel presentations, attendees will discuss:
- benefits of open science for basic research and drug discovery
- how new technologies in personalized medicine can have direct impact in society
- new financial models to enable sustainable research ecosystems
- new directions for open innovation public-private partnerships
Register here until September 10th. There you can also find a program and further information about all the speakers.