April nanoTalks: Peace and Conflict
Join our nanoTalks on Thursday 27 April 2023 at the University of Zurich and learn more about the controversial topics of armament and conflict resolution and the research behind them. Furthermore, you will have the possibility to discuss these topics with the Speakers.
max. 60
Talk 1: Conflicts, Armament, and International Arms Control
Presented by Dr. Tobias Risse, Postdoc at the University of St. Gallen
As conflicts spread, armament is also on the rise. More arms, in turn, make conflicts more likely and more lethal. While some experts believe that international arms control agreements are key to breaking this vicious cycle, others remain skeptical, claiming that such efforts are ineffective or even counterproductive. This talk will discuss if and how international arms control can help to constrain armament and create a more peaceful world in times of global crises and conflicts.
Talk 2: An (un)- intended contribution to peace or conflict? On the relationship between humanitarian access negotiations and conflict resolution in intra-state conflicts.
Presented by Mario Roman Behrens, PhD Student at the University of Basel
In this nanoTalk event, Mario Behrens will provide an overview of his PhD project examining the relationship between humanitarian access negotiations and conflict resolution in intra-state conflicts with South Sudan as principal case study. In addition, he will talk about the process of developing and carrying out a research project in peace and conflict studies. What is research in this field actually about and what does a researcher actually do? Starting with initial interest on a topic and working one`s way towards a concrete research question he introduces the audience not only to his research project but also to the day to day work of a PhD student in this subfield of political science.