1848 → 2023 → 2198: For effective solutions, also in 175 years
2023 is a significant year for Switzerland: we celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution and thus 175 years of the Swiss federal state. In 1848, the foundations for modern Switzerland were laid, with significant contributions by the personality who inspired the Franxini Project by Reatch: Stefano Franscini was not only a member of the first federal government, he also founded the ETH and built the first federal administration. He worked tirelessly to ensure that science and politics contribute to the good of society.
We are convinced: The next 175 years will equally need people with foresight to jointly master collective challenges and to seize new opportunities — and researchers have a central role to play. Research can contribute to effective solutions if its proposals are embedded in politics, industry and civil society.
The Franxini project is looking for your concrete idea: How can research — together wish politics, the industry, and civil society — tackle the challenges we are facing as a society over the next 175 years.

How to participate?
Quite simple: with an essay
- Overall theme: «constructively shape the future of Switzerland with research»
- As an individual or as a team
- Submit by October 29 via this form
What is required? 6 steps to get your idea on paper:
- 5000 characters = 50 lines = 800 words = 🍰
- Four aspects need to be addressed:
- The idea: what opportunities should we seize, and what challenges should we address, so that Switzerland is prepared for the next 175 years?
- The role of research: What can research contribute to the implementation of your idea? We are looking for exciting insights and approaches from all fields from the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, to the humanities, or medicine.
- The implementation: What changes in terms of social, political, economic, or scientific conditions are necessary for your idea to succeed?
- Who needs to be involved? Insights from research alone is not enough. Which actors and organizations from civil society, industry, or politics must be on board for your idea to succeed?
- The idea: what opportunities should we seize, and what challenges should we address, so that Switzerland is prepared for the next 175 years?
- Keep it simple: Your idea should not be a doctoral thesis.
- You do not need to know the entirety of the research context.
- You do not need to know all the stakeholders that are central to the implementation of your idea. But you certainly know a few of them. Be concrete on how they need to be involved.
- The humanities and social sciences are equally called upon!
Don't overthink: write 800 words by October 29 and advance your idea one step further!

Why participate?
Why it will be worth it submitting your idea to the Reatch Ideas Competition:
- You can win prize money of up to CHF 1000.- (1st place 1000.-, 2nd place 600.-, 3rd place 200.-).
- Your idea convinces us? We will publish it on our Reatch blog and give it media presence.
- As one of five finalists, you have the opportunity to present your idea to a thigh-profile jury from academia, politics, society, and media. The final will take place on November 18 in Bern.
- As a finalist, you will profit from a pitch-coaching to enhance your presentation skills and thus be optimally prepared for the Final
- Your starting ramp for the Franxini Innovation Hub: With the Franxini Innovation Hub program, we support 2-3 selected projects to further advance your idea.
What's more:Selected ideas will be published in an anthology with a foreword by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis.
Special Prize
Participation in the Franxini Innovation Hub Programm
We lend wings to your idea: as part of our Franxini Innovation Hub development program, you and your idea will be supported to further advance your project. This means that we will accompany you for 6-9 months while you work on the realization of your idea. We will connect you with relevant stakeholders in politics, administration, and academia, support you for your in-depth background research and in building a community, and provide visibility for your project.
As a winner of this Special Prize, you will benefit from our broad network, our training programs and the know-how of our Reatch members.

Supporter «Platin»

Supporter «Gold»

Supporter «Silber»

Supporter «Bronze»

Media partners

Project Team Ideas Competition

Past ideas competitions
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Über das Franxini-Projekt
Das Franxini-Projekt baut Brücken zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik, indem es die gesellschaftliche und politische Teilhabe von Wissenschaftler*innen sowie das gegenseitige Verständnis und Vertrauen zwischen Politik und Wissenschaften fördert. Forschende erhalten im direkten Kontakt mit Entscheidungsträger*innen die Möglichkeit zu verstehen, von welcher Art wissenschaftlicher Arbeit diese am meisten profitieren. Politiker*innen lernen im persönlichen Umgang mit Forschenden die Funktion und Funktionsweise wissenschaftlicher Arbeit besser kennen. Das Franxini-Projekt bietet Weiterbildungsmodule, informative Publikationen, ein Förderprogramm für Forschende und organisiert Dialog-und Co-Creation-Anlässe.
Das Franxini-Projekt ist entstanden auf Initiative der wissenschaftlichen Ideenschmiede «Reatch! Research. Think. Change.» und wird unterstützt von der Stiftung Mercator, der Gebert Rüf Stiftung, der Universität Zürich, dem ETH Rat, der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz und weiteren Partnern. Mehr Informationen: www.franxini-projekt.ch
Kontakt: franxini@reatch.ch , Projektleitung: anna.krebs@reatch.ch