
We offer a platform for inspiring lectures on science, technology and art. On the last Thursday of each month, two speakers take us into their world of research for 15 minutes each. After the talks, there are another 20 minutes to ask questions and exchange ideas, as well as a small apéro.

The nanoTalks are also the ideal place to practice presenting complex content: In short presentations in English, you have to inspire a diverse audience for you and your topic.


co-lead Romandie; nanoTalks-Team

Noémie did her thesis in Neuroscience in Zurich and a postdoc at the University of Fribourg. She enjoys scientific communication and running in the mountains. Noémie has been a volunteer with Reatch since 2020.

Laura Bauer

co-lead nanoTalks

Laura is currently studying environmental engineering at ETH Zurich. Whenever possible she enjoys her time outdoors jogging, swimming or just spending time in nature. Volunteer at Reatch since 2019.

nanoTalks Team

nanoTalks Team


co-lead Romandie; nanoTalks-Team

Noémie did her thesis in Neuroscience in Zurich and a postdoc at the University of Fribourg. She enjoys scientific communication and running in the mountains. Noémie has been a volunteer with Reatch since 2020.

Previous nanoTalks

 See all Previous nanoTalks

I would like to give a nanoTalk

You think it's time that a wide audience learns about a scientific issue you are passionate about? Do you love to talk about your research but get lost in unimportant details? Or do you simply want to train your presentation skills?

The nanoTalks team will help you to explain complex topics in a simple and understandable way, to give the audience new ideas and to win them over. The team will give you individual feedback to improve your presentation. In addition, Joel Lüthi and Luca Schaufelberger from the nanoTalks team offer Scientific Storytelling Workshops.

Your talk should answer the following questions:

  • Why is the topic I am talking about interesting?
  • How would a newspaper report on it?
  • And if you are talking about your own scientific research: How can society benefit from my work?

Your audience will have different levels of knowledge about the topic - some will have none at all. You should take this into account in your presentation.

Are you ready to step onto the nanoTalk stage? Then contact Joel Lüthi.

I would like to be part of the nanoTalks team

Our goal is to find and support speakers. On the day of the nanoTalks you will help to prepare the room and an aperitif, moderate the event and record the talks. The workload per month per team member is about 6-8 hours.

These are your advantages:

  • You get in touch with young researchers from different research fields.
  • You help Reatch to establish a science-friendly culture.
  • You will develop your teamwork, event coordination and facilitation skills.
  • You will meet many new people at Reatch and can build your network.
  • You have the opportunity to strategically develop the nanoTalks.

You want to support speakers yourself? Then contact Joel Lüthi.

Ich möchte einen nanoTalk halten

Du denkst, es ist Zeit, dass ein breites Publikum von einem wissenschaftlichen Sachverhalt erfährt, für den du dich begeisterst? Du liebst es, über deine Forschung zu sprechen, verlierst dich dabei aber in unwichtigen Details? Oder du möchtest ganz einfach deine Auftrittskompetenzen trainieren?

Unterstützung dabei erhältst du vom nanoTalks-Team, das dir hilft, komplexe Themen einfach und verständlich zu erklären, dem Publikum neue Ideen mit auf den Weg zu geben und es auf deine Seite zu ziehen. Das Team gibt dir individuelle Rückmeldungen, um deinen Vortrag zu verbessern. Ausserdem bieten Joel Lüthi und Luca Schaufelberger vom nanoTalks-Team Scientific Storytelling Workshops an.

Dein Talk sollte folgende Fragen beantworten:

  • Warum ist das Thema, über das ich spreche interessant?
  • Wie würde eine Zeitung darüber berichten?
  • Und falls du über deine eigene wissenschaftliche Forschung sprichst: Wie kann die Gesellschaft von meiner Arbeit profitieren?

Deine Zuhörer*innen haben unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse zum Thema - manche gar keins. Dies solltest du im Vortrag berücksichtigen.

Du bist bereit, auf die nanoTalk-Bühne zu treten? Dann kontaktiere Noémie Frezel.

Ich möchte Teil des nanoTalks-Teams werden

Die Arbeit des Teams besteht darin, Sprecher*innen zu finden und zu unterstützen. Am Tag der nanoTalks hilfst du, den Raum und einen Apéro vorzubereiten, den Event zu moderieren und die Talks aufzunehmen. Der Arbeitsaufwand pro Monat pro Teammitglied beträgt ca. 6-8 Stunden.

Das sind deine Vorteile:

  • Du trittst mit jungen Forschenden aus verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen in Kontakt.
  • Du hilfst Reatch eine wissenschaftsfreundliche Kultur zu etablieren.
  • Du entwickelst dich in Teamfähigkeit, Eventkoordination und -moderation weiter.
  • Du lernst viele neue Leute bei Reatch kennen und baust dir so ein Netzwerk auf.
  • Du hast die Möglichkeit, die nanoTalks strategisch weiterzuentwickeln.

Du willst selbst Vortragende unterstützen? Dann kontaktiere ebenfalls Noémie Frezel.

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Upcoming nanoTalks

Pizza Philosophy & Science: Democratic Legitimacy of Science


aki Bern

Join us on February 20 as we gather around Pizza to discuss: “Does science need democratic legitimacy?” Together with the philosophers T.Y. Branch and Hannah Hilligardt, we’ll reflect on how values shape scientific research, the importance of public participation, and what it means for trust in…

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Kommende Veranstaltungen

Pizza Philosophy & Science: Democratic Legitimacy of Science


aki Bern

Join us on February 20 as we gather around Pizza to discuss: “Does science need democratic legitimacy?” Together with the philosophers T.Y. Branch and Hannah Hilligardt, we’ll reflect on how values shape scientific research, the importance of public participation, and what it means for trust in…

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