February nanoTalks: Poverty & the future of work
Join the nanoTalks in February and find out whether we should be worried about a future without work or try to find out why three scientists were awarded a Nobel Prize last year for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.
University of Zurich, Main Building, KOL-E-18
Talk 1: Robots, Artificial Intelligence and the future of work
Presented by Uwe Thümmel, Post-Doctoral Researcher in Economics, University of Zurich
«Robots and software can take over a quarter of all jobs» writes the NZZ. Where are such numbers coming from, and should we worry about a future without work? This nanoTalk is going to provide a broader perspective by wondering why there are still so many jobs after decades of technological progress – and what this means for the future of work.
Talk 2: Economics Nobel Prize 2019
Presented by Jose Vila-Belda Montalt, Research Manager, Zurich Center for Economic Development & External PhD Student, University of Fribourg
The 2019 Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Dufo and Michael Kremer «for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty». This talk will tell of the silent revolution that has transformed the study of economic development and is reshaping policy-making. Like never before, researchers and policy-makers are working together to apply lessons from past studies and find new ways to make the most out of every dollar that is available to reduce poverty. Leveraging microeconomic theory, insights from other disciplines and the power of field experiments to uncover causal effects, these efforts demonstrate that there is a lot to be done and to be gained from approaching policy design scientifically.