
Scimpact is a training program for young people who want to bring science into public discussions. Whether you're studying, working or in training, going to school, or otherwise engaged - Scimpact is open to all who are motivated!

Digitization, equal opportunities or climate change: We can only find sustainable and modern answers to social challenges if scientific findings flow into the discussions. But it takes some practice for young people to get involved efficiently. How do I find the points in public discussions where my knowledge is beneficial? And how do I manage to convey this in an understandable way?

Scimpact starts right here and offers young people an introduction to finding answers, developing methods and making contacts. At Scimpact, you can learn to moderate a discussion, organize an exciting event, or write a blog article.

Retraite 2023 Team fun

Scimpact is for you if you...

  • are young (18 - 30) and passionate about science and society.
  • are a curious personality who is interested in evolving personally.
  • want to do more than theory and actively participate in social change.
  • like to take a broad perspective on challenges.
  • take the time to actively participate in the formats (co-organization of 2 evening events or write 2 blogs and participate in
    3 workshops or events).

What former participants say

Scimpact in numbers

The first round of Scimpact started in Fall 2019. In four rounds, over 100 Fellows from more than 15 educational institutions have participated in Scimpact. To see their impressive achievements, click on the arrow to the right.

In total, the fellows have:

  • organized > 60 events
  • participated in more than 35 workshops.
  • published at least 25 blog-articles and podcast episodes.

They were supported by more than 30 experienced coaches.

The sixth round of Scimpact

  • Start: 12 October 2024
  • Duration: 4 months or 8 months
  • Number of places: 25
  • Location: all over Switzerland
  • Application period: until 30 September 2024


The program is divided into two halves, both lasting 4 months. In each half you will realize 1 project: Either you organize an event with another participant or write a blog article. You will be accompanied by an experienced coach. There is the possibility to participate for only 4 months.

What can you expect at Scimpact?

The Scimpact program consists of the following three pillars: workshops, coaching and practical implementation in our formats and the blog to promote social, reflection and communication skills.

The combination of coaching and practical implementation of what has been learned in the context of public events guarantees an optimal learning effect. You can choose at which workshops you want to participate.


  • Kick-off, Bern

    12.10.2024, 10.00 - 17.00

  • Midpoint


  • Final Celebration


«The biggest danger for our future is apathy.»

Jane Godall

How much does Scimpact cost?

Participation costs a symbolic contribution of 30 CHF for the entire duration. It includes the voluntary Reatch membership fee. In addition, there are some train journeys during the program. If these are a financial obstacle for you, contact us and we will look at the situation together.

How much effort does Scimpact involve?

The time required for the Scimpact program varies depending on the format chosen. When participating in workshops and social events, an average of 2 hours per week can be expected. In the weeks before the organized event, the effort increases to about 4h per week. These are guideline values.

Why should I participate?

  • Do you want to make a difference with your knowledge and your research? We show you how!
  • Do you want more than dry theory? We discuss the latest findings and their use in practice.
  • Do you want to be part of a young science community that wants to make a difference?

Your coaches at Scimpact


Giorgio Ravioli

co-lead RRH

Kanita Sabanovic

blog leader


PPS Team

Dominik Scherrer

Lead Podcast

nanoTalks Team

PPS Team

Do you have any questions? Get in touch!

If you have any questions about the application, the content or Scimpact in general, please feel free to contact Silvan. We are looking forward!

Lead Scimpact


Stiftung Wegweiser Lo Ro Logo Beneficiaires RVB Wali Dad

The project was made possible thanks to the support of the Wegweiser Stiftung, the WaliDad Stiftung and the Lotterie Romande.

Support in the past