Blog Crashkurs «Writing about science»
You always wanted to find out if blogging could become your new passion? You finally want to report on your research results or investigations, but don't know how? Stuck on an article you just can't finish? Or you simply want to learn the basics of writing about science? Then Reatch's writing crash course is for you.
online (Link will be provided)
Free, max. 20 participants

Free, max. 20 participants
Scientific writing and writing about science are two completely different things. After all, you're not writing for colleagues in your field, but for laypeople. It's not so easy to find the balance between facts and entertainment. Your blog should not only convince in terms of content, but also inspire in terms of language. In Reatch's Blog Crash Course, you'll get tips and inspiration on how to overcome these challenges of writing about science, while connecting with other writing enthusiasts.
The Blog Crash Course is for Scimpact Fellows and interested Reatch members. The number of participants is limited. Please register by November 20th directly to Kanita Sabanovic.
Language: English